April 26, 2007 News for and about Grace Episcopal Church


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Did your editor forget to include something in this issue? Let him know at [email protected].

Buildings & Grounds Work Day: One Done, Another Scheduled
Work Day 2007

Last Saturday, an energetic group of volunteers turned out on a sunny spring day to further improve the looks of the grounds surrounding our beautiful church. You can see pictures here.

If you missed your chance last week, you have another chance to participate. On Saturday, May 12, folks will again gather to improve the face Grace presents to the world, starting at 9:00 am. As before, lunch will be served.

Grace Attendance Shows Encouraging Upward Trend

Fr. Bower reports an encouraging upward trend in Holy Week attendance figures at Grace.

Palm Sunday attendance rose from 40 in 2006 to 52 in 2007. Maundy Thursday attendance held even. Good Friday went from 53 for an evening service to 70 for the afternoon Community Service. The new Easter Vigil drew 63 people and people came for more on Easter Sunday, with attendance at that service rising from 53 to 80. After all that, we even saw increased "low Sunday" numbers the first Sunday after Easter, with attendance rising from 31 to 50.

Names of Those Baptized, Confirmed & Received at Easter Vigil

These people entered a new stage in their life in Christ on Easter Eve:

  • Baptized: Kelly Lain, Georgia and Savannah Morrison.
  • Confirmed: Kelley Lain, Nancy Hargraves, Allen Reed, Steve Reynolds.
  • Received: Jim Beisner and Patricia Wanner.

Diocese Welcomes Bishop Breidenthal
Bishop Breidenthal

The Rev. Thomas E. Breidenthal will be consecrated the ninth bishop of the Diocese of Southern Ohio in a ceremony at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday, April 28. The consecration service will be streamed live via the Internet. The webcast will begin at 10:30 am and continue through the service. Look for the link and for more information here.

On Saturday, May 12, Bishop Breidenthal will be installed at Christ Church Cathedral downtown. In addition to the installation, the Cathedral is planning some special events for the weekend of the installation. For the schedule, click here.

The Cathedral will also be exhibiting works of art from throughout the diocese. Each congregation is welcome to submit a work of art of any medium. The exhibit will be on display through June 15. For more information, contact Canon Anne Wrider.

No one initially nominated Thomas Breidenthal as bishop of Southern Ohio. In fact, what first captured the attention of the Nominating Committee was that his profile on the clergy database matched the strengths and needs of Southern Ohio's bishop search profile. He told a clergy gathering earlier this year that he was intrigued by the questions the Nominating Committee asked in its first letter. As he set to answering them, he began a journey of discernment that led to his election in November as the IX Bishop of Southern Ohio. A teacher, scholar, author and priest, Bishop-elect Breidenthal brings a passion for collaborative ministry. He has scheduled listening sessions in each deanery of the diocese to hear what is working and what is not. He established an ad hoc committee to review and consider with him the policies and priorities of the diocese. He has met with several diocesan leaders and interest groups as a way to learn about Southern Ohio and to develop patterns of working together to answer the question: "What is God calling us to do in this time and place?"

Before the consecration, the Bishop-elect will spend two days in retreat in New Jersey as a way to prepare himself spiritually for his servant ministry as Bishop in Southern Ohio. He asks each of us to hold up the Diocese of Southern Ohio in prayer and to remember that the consecration service is not only a time of joy and celebration but also an opportunity for everyone to recommit to preaching and serving Christ in Southern Ohio and beyond.

Diocesan Council Reduces Grace's Assessment

From a letter from The Rev. Thomas Van Brunt:

"I am pleased to tell you that the Diocesan Council approved your request for a reduction in the Mission Share for 2007 for Grace Church. Your Mission Share for 2007 has been reduced from $29,204 to $6,400.

"Those of us who met with you on 22 February were highly impressed with your presentation. There is clearly a new wind blowing through Grace Church. The Diocesan Council wants to encourage the members of Grace in the new work you are doing and encourage you to make this holy facility functional again."

"We pray that Grace Church may again be a healthy mission outpost of the Diocese."

Picture Taking Continues
Directory Proof

For the past two Sundays, we have been taking pictures after the 10:00 am service for a new congregational directory of members and friends. We will continue to take pictures for the next several Sundays. Come and be pictured!

You can see the proofs of the pictures we've taken to date here. If you don't like your picture, we'll be happy to take more until we get one you like. This is a learning process for all of us.

You Can Enhance Worship With Flowers
Altar Flowers

The flowers on the altar not only enhance our worship experience, they are a gift to and from the glory of God. If you would like to be a part of this joyful ministry, you can. Here's how:

Be part of the flower guild that creates the arrangements each week. No experience is necessary. It is hand-on learning. You will find it easy and rewarding. Currently, there are five members, Susan Dewbrey, Carol Lyon, Wanda Miller, Molly Russell and Patrica Wanner. We could use at least three more. If you are interested, talk to Carol Lyon at church or call or email her (513-542-2941, [email protected]).

Food Pantry Items Needed

Please share your bounty by bringing non-perishable food items to church each Sunday. These will be passed on to the food pantries in College Hill (Christ Community) and Northside (CAIN). Place items on pew against back wall.

Adopt a Flower Bed

We are looking for individuals who wish to adopt various flower beds around the church.

This will entail purchasing the annuals that are to be planted in according with the planning scheme developed for the church grounds, planting them (assistance with this can be had if you wish), watering and dead heading them throughout the summer.

If you wish to add perennials, fall, or spring flowers, you are welcome to volunteer for this as well..

We are also in the process of developing a cutting bed to provide flowers for the Altars during the summer. Assistance here would also be appreciated.

If you are interested, please see Molly Russell or Jim Edgy.

Email the editor at: [email protected]
Phone Grace Church at: 513-541-2415
Visit our web site at: http://gracecollegehill.org