eGraceNotes from Grace Episcopal Church
News for and about Grace Episcopal Church November 2, 2007
Our Values

Dear Friend,

Yikes...your editor has way too may things going on with Graduation 6 weeks away!  I apologize for the delay in getting this out.  This issue is heavy on announcements!  Remember to change your clocks this Sunday - November 4th.

Anita Triggs, editor
[email protected]

Quick Links
Grace Church web site.

Grace Church photo albums.

Sunday Volunteer Schedule

Mission Council Minutes

The internet gateway to College Hill--our neighborhood.

The Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio.
Healing HandsJoin us Wednesday, November 14th for our Healing Service using African Drumming and Reiki as well as the traditional laying-on of hands.  Future Healing Services will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month.

Nominations for Mission Council Sought

If you are interested in serving on the Mission Council or know someone who you think should be a member, please let Molly Russell know.  Also, we will need deligates for the 2008 Diocesan Convention.  These will be voted on at the annual meeting in January.
Body Recall Logo
Grace Church's Yoga and Body Recall Classes Times Changed
Body Recall, Tuesday - 10:00 a.m.
Yoga, Tuesday - 6:00 p.m.
Only $8.00 per session. See Laura Hall
Remember to Vote!!
Election Day is Tuesday - November 7th.  Please check for your designated voting location before heading out to the polls.
Volunteers Needed!!! 
We still need Ushers.  If you can assist please contact Jim Edgy.
Christmas PresentsGrace Church to adopt 15 children from West College Hill
Again this year, we will have our giving tree.  If you wish to adopt a child, there will be tags on the tree with the child's name, age, and gender.  All you have to do is purchase a gift or two for the child and bring it to the Church.
Bible study to begin in Advent
This will consider the 1st Chapter of Luke.  It will occur on a weekday.  If you are interested, sign the sheet on the piano.  We will then get together one Sunday after church and determine the day and time.
"Christians & Muslims: Toward a Shared Future"  (free lecture open to public) sponsored by The Edward B. Brueggeman Center for Dialogue
Wednesday, Nov. 7, 7:30 P.M.
Schiff Family Conference Center at the Cintas Center
Xavier University  - (free parking at Cintas Center just east of main campus)
Lecturers/Leaders are Amir Hussain, author of Oil and Water:  Two Faiths, One God and Elias Mallon of Franciscans International and author of Islam: What Catholics Should Know
Grace Church Health and Wellness Ministry Committee themes for November are Stress Management and Food Safety

This is a brief departure from the prior pattern of taking one topic and exploring its complexities twice during the month.  Your doctor and/or mental health practitioner is the best source of information about how stress may be affecting your health. 

Stressful Life Events: As September's discussion of different forms of exercise revealed, some forms of stress can actually be beneficial to our health.  Just as some levels or intensities of physical exercise can be excessively stressful to some of us and not stressful enough for others of us, so too are the effects of the same life events a matter of individual differences in their effects on our mental and physical health.  

With the exception of pain and disease, the majority of life events that we face are only stressful to us as a consequence of how we interpret or categorize them.  For some of us promotions at work, birth of a child, purchasing a new home or relocating to a new city may be seen as positive stressors and adding anticipation and excitement to life.  To others the same life events may be viewed with dread and anxiety because these same life events cause us to adopt new behaviors, systems, habits and approaches to life and are thus associated with confrontation, frustration and sorrow. Our goal here is not to eliminate stress but to learn how to manage it and how to use it to help us.  Not having enough stress can leave us feeling bored. Conversely, excessive and unrelieved stress may leave us feeling overwhelmed, sleeping poorly and may even predispose us to having a heart attack.  Our challenge is to find the optimal level of stress which will individually motivate but not overwhelm each of us.

Stress: Its many sources and some management strategies - Life events and our associations to them come in an infinite variety.  Effective management of our exposure to and interpretation of these live events is essential if we are to avoid the harmful psychological and physical effects of excessive and unrelieved stress.  However, all effective stress management strategies require work toward change: changing the source of stress and/or changing our reaction to it.

  1. Become aware of your personal stressful life events and your emotional and physical reactions to them.
  2. Pray early and often (e.g., "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.")
  3. Learn and practice moderating your emotional and physical reactions to stress.
  4. Exercise regularly, eat in moderation and maintain your ideal weight.
  5. Limit the responsibilities you take on particularly during holiday seasons that are already overloaded with your own expectations and the expectations of others.
  6. Develop and maintain mutually supportive friendships.

Should you have concerns or want additional information about the material presented above, please contact your local health care provider, public health department, mental health center or someone on the Grace Church Health and Wellness Ministry Committee.  This Committee is chaired by Mrs. Florence Poyer, R.N.

Prepared by: Walter S. Handy, Ph.D.
Member, Grace Church Health and Wellness Ministry Committee

Grace Church is planning a Christmas party for the parish.  It will be held on an evening before Christmas.  If you are interested in assisting or attending, please see Ernestein or Belinda Perna.

Admission tickets for the shopping spree at Northgate Mall will soon be available.  The cost for each ticket is $5. which will come to Grace Church and this year will be donated to the Episcopal Church Service Foundation.  This Foundation supports various outreach projects of churches in our Diocese.  See Jackie Lewis for tickets.  Grace Church is applying to them for support with one of our projects.  We will also be taking a special offering on Nov. 18 to support their work.

Hip Hop Mass Coming Soon...
Grace Church will host its first Hip Hop Mass on Saturday, November 17th at 5:00 pm.  The Hip Hop Mass is the marriage of Hip Hop Music and worship.  The service will feature students from Aiken High School as well as performing groups from other local churches.  The combination of music, poetry, and dance is guaranteed to awaken the soul.  More details coming soon!