eGraceNotes from Grace Episcopal Church
News for and about Grace Episcopal Church August 14, 2008

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Dear Friend,
This issue is a little longer than usual; your editor is playing catch-up with the news of Grace.  So, relax and take your time to bring yourself up-to-date on the doings at Grace Church.

As always, check out the Calendar to see what's coming up at Grace.

Ken Lyon, Editor
[email protected]
Smokey Grace?

Smokey Roger & David

There's a church in Manhattan known as "Smokey Mary's" because of the enthusiastic use of incense there.  Check the picture of Grace's cooks at our second "Blessed Grille" of the Summer on August 3, following the 10 am service. Are we on the way to being "Smokey Grace?" Or just "Smokey Roger and David."

In any case, the ribs, mets and dogs were great!

You can see more pictures of both "Blessed Grille" luncheons on the Grace Church Photo Album site here.

The Healing Service At Grace: Traditional Healing, African Drumming and Reike

So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. --Mark 11:24

Healing Service2Every second Wednesday of the month (except Summer months), we gather at Grace Church to celebrate God's gift of healing and reconciliation for each other and the world.  Healing can and does take many forms, but we acknowledge and recognize God as the singular source of all healing.  God restores and renews our bodies, minds and spirits through prayers, the laying on of hands, music, art and the spoken word.  God has gifted us with intelligence, knowledge and skill to make healing possible and for these and all other gifts, we give thanks to God. 

Enriching our Worship 2 says,

In Ministry with the Sick or Dying, healing is offered for any who feel the need for specific healing of spirit, mind, or body. The sacrament is particularly appropriate at times of discovery of illness, a turning point in an illness, a particular procedure, or at a time of great distress.  Prayer is also an important dimension of Ministry with the Sick or Dying. But many sick people find their prayer hampered by illness. The support of others in prayer becomes even more important in these times.

We began the African Drumming and Reike Healing Service at Grace on November 14, 2007.  In our service, we practice traditional as well as non-traditional healing methods.  We have the traditional laying on of hands and anointing with Holy Oil, drumming and the ancient Japanese art of Reike. 

We began this journey when Laura Hall, a member of the congregation, brought the idea to us. She was very enthusiastic and suggested that we might want to offer this service at Grace.  After prayers, meetings and discussions we decided to meet with drummer Bob Laake. After our meeting, we came to the conclusion that we should combine traditional healing with drumming and Reike.  Bob has experience the healing power of drums in his personal battle with stomach cancer.  On his website,, Bob says,

For thousands of years tribal cultures from all over the globe have used the drum to heal people. Tribal societies, both eastern and western have long recognized the connection between drum energy and their physical & emotional health. In the same way, we can use the energy of drumming to help us make the changes we need in our body, mind and soul.   Recent scientific studies attest to the power of vibrational energy and the Healing Drum to transform and relieve physical and emotional maladies. It's no surprise that science is now finding measurable positive immune system changes. Everyday, people are using the sound vibrations of the drum to positively alter the body's biochemistry. Sound enhances the healing effects of many other treatments and therapies.

The other form or method of healing that we use in our service is Reike.  This is a holistic form of healing that seeks to bring balance to our lives.

Reiki (pronounced RAY-key) is a Japanese word and literally translates as "Universal Life Energy". It is an ancient form of healing using the natural energy of which all matter is created. In Chinese culture this energy is referred to as "chi", in the Japanese as "ki", in East Indian cultures as "prana", and in Western cultures as "bioenergy" (particularly when referring to the energy within plants and animals).   The practice of Reiki is believed to have originated in the Tibetan culture (with the Tibetan Monks over two thousand years ago) and was "rediscovered" in the Sutras in the late nineteenth century by Dr. Mikao Usui of Japan. In the twentieth century, Reiki Masters have brought this form of healing to the USA, Europe, and other parts of the world.  Reiki is a holistic form of healing and helps to integrate the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual components of one's self by balancing the energy centers (chakras) plus the nervous, endocrine and circulatory systems of the body. It stimulates natural immunity, promotes relaxation, and is helpful with both chronic and acute problems. Reiki is a complementary form of healing and can be used in conjunction with other Western and Eastern healing modalities. 

Our healing service is open and welcome to all seeking and searching for healing and reconciliation.  There is a strong community developing around this service and we have discovered it to be a blessing and gift as we assemble each month.  We gather in God's presence to pray and receive blessings and healing.  Sharing in the joy of the spirit uplifts the community and renews and restores us in unexpected and profound ways.

As we begin our second year on September 10, 2008, we extend an invitation to you to come and worship with us.    

--The Reverend Ernestein Flemister.
Request for Input to Congregational Self-Assessment

From Senior Warden John Thayer:

Grace Church has received a Congregational Self-Assessment form from the Diocese. The Mission Council has the responsibility of completing this form and returning it before September 15. While the Council will do most of the work, we need  suggestions & opinions from the congregation. The Self-Assessment form contains many questions, but most of them fall into two simple categories:
  • WHERE  ARE  WE  NOW? (for example,member size, activity, outlook), and
  • WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? (for example, seeking/welcoming new members, outreach, plans, hopes).
We welcome your ideas, comments, suggestions etc. Send them to
eGraceNotes ([email protected]) and/or  the
Church office ([email protected]), and/or 
Senior Warden ([email protected]) and/or the
other Mission Council members.
Recent Goings-On In & Around the Church Building

Belinda Perna dropped by the church a week or two ago and snapped some pictures of the kinds of things that go on around the church during the week. 

Jim Dietz & Ken Lyon

Behind the parking lot, she caught Jim Dietz & your editor pulling bushes and small trees out of the ground with a Jeep.

David Mukaka, Bob Jones, Jim Dietz

Inside, off the lower hallway, she found David Mukasa, Bob Jones and Jim Edgy busily renovating the room below the choir room in the original part of our building.

Not pictured are Roger and Belinda Perna, who were too busy spending hours and hours weeding, trimming, purchasing and planting to take pictures of themselves. Here is a picture of the results of the work that they and others have done to improve our face to the world. 

Flower Garden at Grace

Drop by during the week some time.  Who knows what you'll see!
Grace Helps Flooded Family

With thanks, from Florence and Bob Poyer:

Our son, Chris, and his wife, Jen, lost everything in their home during the big flood in Cedar Rapids, IA. The response from their Grace Church friends and relatives has enabled them to furnish a two-bedroom apartment with the necessary items.  Our Grace Church family sent them a sizeable check to go for more things they will have to replace when they finally get into permanent housing.

Diocese of Southern Ohio LogoKeeping in Touch With the Larger Church

The famous Lambeth Conference of (most) Anglican Bishops is now over, and your editor, for one, is very happy to have received almost-daily updates on the proceedings from our Bishops Breidenthal and Price. Their perspectives were far more informed and nuanced than anything I read in the press coverage. 

You can read their "Letters from Lambeth" on the Diocesan website here. They start in July and continue into August. 

I highly recommend that all our members with email subscribe to the Diocesan email list (provide your email here).  It's an easy way to keep in touch with (part of) the larger world of the Church of which we're a member.
Health & Wellness Briefings Now on Website

For almost a year now, the Health & Wellness Ministry Committee has been publishing Health & Wellness Briefings in our Sunday Bulletin. This series of short articles have now been posted on our website so that you can see any that you've missed. 

You can see them all here, or you can choose from the following list:

Grace Church Mission Fair Coming Sunday, September 7

Present your favorite mission at the Grace Church Mission Fair. Where do you volunteer?  Would you like to encourage others to volunteer with you?  Grace Church's Outreach Committee will present a Mission Fair after the service on September 7.  Contact Judy Handy ([email protected], 513-681-5829) or Grace Staples ([email protected], 513-251-3538) or the church office if you would like to contribute a display of pictures and information in addition to the Grace Church projects.

Each committee will have a booth so you can learn about what they are doing, and volunteer to help them if it is your interest.  This is your opportunity to learn the best way for you to serve God.  If you are the chair of a group, please see Roger Perna (513-542-8464, [email protected]) about your display.
Confused about political rumors, claims, etc, about the Presidential race?

Annenberg Political Fact CheckThe Annenberg Foundation has a non-partisan site that researches and clarifies them.  Go to  and it will help you sort out the truth from the fiction.
Grace Church ChoirJoin the Choir, Sing!

Choir Practice begins Thursday, Aug 28, 7:00 p.m.  Anyone who is interested, please see Jim Edgy ([email protected], 513-541-2415). 
Interfaith Immigration Summit Coming to Columbus in September

Mobilizing for Humane Reform, a two-day conference sponsored by the Ohio Council of Churches and other organizations will be held Sept. 9-10 in Columbus. This conference will bring together faith-based leaders and advocates in the Midwest to work towards educating and mobilizing their communities in support of fair and humane immigration reform.

For more information about this event, visit the Diocesan Public Policy Bulletin Board.
Fire Up for Christian Formation!

The Diocesan Christian Formation Commission invites you to a day of sharing resources and connecting with other Christian educators. The second "Fire Up for Formation" conference is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 27 at Procter Camp & Conference Center.

The conference will run from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The conference is open to anyone interested in Christian Formation for any age group, especially directors of religious education, church school directors, clergy, vestry and other Christian educators.

Bishop Breidenthal will again be the keynote speaker at this year's conference. Sharon Pearson, Curriculum Specialist with Morehouse Publishing will offer one of the workshops available.

Cost is $12 to those who register before Sept. 8 and $15 after Sept. 8. For more information, or to register, see the Diocesan website or contact the Christian Formation Commission chair, Melissa Shirley, at [email protected].
eGraceNotes is published a couple of times a month, more or less. Our primary purpose is to help keep members and friends of Grace Church up-to-date on what's happening at Grace.

While we try our best to represent the Grace Church congregation, opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of anyone other than the editor.

The content of eGraceNotes depends on what news is provided us. Thus, the fact that something appears or doesn't appear in eGraceNotes is more likely a matter of whether or not someone provided information to publish rather than editorial bias. Send news that you think would be interesting to members or friends of Grace to [email protected].

Photos in eGraceNotes are often edited to remove extraneous material.

Ken Lyon, Editor.