A Center for Spirituality and Healing.

Saturday, October 11, 2014
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What's With All These Hands?

  There are hands posted all around the church.  Perhaps you have seen them. They are there to remind us of our Annual Giving Drive to raise money and pledges to support Grace Church's expenses as we continue to aspire to do God's work.


How? Some hand signs now say "GIMME FIVE!" That means we are hoping each member will budget 5% of their income for the church next year. (And that those who are able to give more will continue to do so!) We ask that you remember those "gimme five" hands as you prayerfully consider what Grace Church means to you.


Other hand signs mean we support HEALING HANDS AND OPEN HEARTS as evidenced by the many programs and partnerships here at the church--programs for the homeless, parolees, and the community. We hope to have touched you as well. The money Grace needs to pay the utilities, keep the building and grounds maintained, outreach programs and pay the various people involved for worship and healing services comes from this drive.


Thank you in advance for your prayers, your willing hands and your $$$!


The Annual Giving Committee


While most of us lament the early Christmas decorations in the stores, it nevertheless got me thinking about Scrooge in Charles Dickens story. He, as we know was tight-fisted and unhappy. Only when he began to open his heart and hands did he begin to find genuine happiness.


As we kick off our annual giving campaign in support of all the hearts and hands doing God's work at Grace, please ask God what amount of giving to Grace church will make you feel joy.  


Carol Lyon


Editor's addition:  In a New Republic article, we read, "Start giving your money and time away: New research shows you'll be happier for it. Americans who describe themselves as "very happy" volunteer an average of 5.8 hours per month. Those who are "unhappy"? Just 0.6 hours." Read the whole article here.  

Join In


Join us this Sunday morning for a special presentation at Snack 'n Chat in the Great Hall after the worship service. Mary McLain has made a slide show called the Hands of Grace. You will see hands at worship, prayer, healing, serving--all hands doing God's work at Grace.


And you can join in the fun of the fundraising by painting your hand on a poster in the great hall that shows you support Grace Church. At the Wednesday community dinner, guests have already shown their support. Check it out when you go for Snack 'n Chat.

Carol Lyon 
Your Money Supports Outreach and Partner Ministries

Your treasurer is happy to report that over 75% of Grace Church's budget goes to support our outreach and partner ministries, with a little less than a quarter going to support the Grace Church congregation itself.  This is an amazing situation, one that we couldn't have imagined just a few years back, when we decided to leverage our wonderful facilities to support spirituality and healing among our neighbors.

Currently, our building is used about 40 hours a week, over 50% in support of our partner ministries (Next Dimension, Yoga, NA, the Rainbow band, etc), about 36% for Grace Church outreach programs like the Community Dinner and the Wednesday Healing service, and about 12% for things that support the Grace Church congregation itself (Sunday worship and the Prayer & Meditation hour). 

We arrive at these interesting numbers when we allocate the cost of our building and office expenses ($77,000 of our total $109,000 budget) to the various uses of our building in proportion to their use of the building. 

See a listing of all the things going on at Grace on our website here

For more details on how these numbers were derived, contact Treasurer Ken Lyon ([email protected]). 
An Opportunity to Support Grace


  Our annual pledge drive is here which gives us all an opportunity to support all that we are doing at Grace Church. We acknowledge all the volunteer man-hours needed to be the foundation of this ministry. Thank you all who has given of yourselves.


At this time of year we also have an opportunity to support Grace financially.The Duke bill is over the moon and just keeping the place clean with the combination of Sexton salary plus supplies accounts for a several thousand a year. Unless we all want to take a shift cleaning (but I'd rather pay Patrick. He does it better than I can). But hey, the supplies used for cleaning are tax deductible, and so are the donations you give to church. Just go to the website, click $$upport Grace and choose donate to Grace's 2015 budget--or click here to go there directly. You can make a one-time donation, or a recurring (for example, monthly) one.  


This year we feature hands in our campaign signifying that many hands make light work. It also represents "Gimme Five"" which means not only do you approve of what we are doing but that you are willing to tithe.  We know that times are tough so we are only asking for 5% rather than the traditional 10%.  However if you feel truly blessed you could offer more!


We consider ANY donation in partnership with Grace BLESSED. And if you have a divine inspiration of how else you can support Grace we want to hear from you NOW!


Love and Light!


Thanks to Candy Moxley for this article.  

Sunday's Handbell Solo Featured Three Native American Melodies

Last Sunday's handbell solo, "Three Native American Melodies", is a medley of three originally unrelated pieces, joined together to form the outline of a story. In the past, it has usually been pre-sented in October. Today was chosen so that Grace Church might make a contribution to the Native American Weekend being presented at the Cathedral.


The three melodies, in order of appearance, are titled: "In the Forest", "Doubt", and "Ode to the Morning Star." The titles and music form a narration outline something like the following:


An individual Native American goes into a forest. Initially the experience is joyful; then night begins to fall. The wanderer is lost and cries for in despair for help. Apparently no response comes. Then the Morning Star--herald to the Dawn--appears! It generates an anthem of welcome and praise from a group of worshipers. The wanderer hurries towards them as the sun begins to appear.


As they have done before, Tammy Robertson and Lisa Perry joined me in preparation, adding their skills. Their expertise on drums and handbells add substantially to this piece.


John Thayer


(Your editor apologizes for not getting this in a Grace Notes issue last week; he missed a week.)

Selected Short Subjects


Children's names to receive Toys for Tots are being collected by Lady Michelle Hagans of Next Dimension Family Worship Center at Grace. She will sign up children from newborn  to age 13. She needs the parents' names, address and phone number as well as the children's names, ages, sex and the last 4 of their SSN. Please email to [email protected]  or contact her at 513-213-2613.



Dress Warmly--Wear Sweaters. If you haven't already, get those sweaters and jackets ready to wear at church. The thermostat this year will be at 68 degrees in the spaces that are scheduled to be in use.  That's four degrees cooler than last year. We're attacking our $16,000 annual heating bill.




Mary Jane Showers, a long time Grace Church member, passed away on October 8 at 8:45 PM.  She was in the hospice facility at Twin Towers.  Dr. Showers donated her body to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center.  A memorial service will be held in the chapel at Twin Towers. The date and time of the service has not yet been determined.




Slow Down! A fine young man was recently killed in College Hill by a driver taking a corner too fast and hitting him on the sidewalk.  In addition, an Aiken student was hit outside our front door on Wednesday, and Carol Lyon says she was recently almost hit by a driver running the red light there.  Our streets in College Hill have become speedways.  Let's do everything we can to remind ourselves and others to SLOW DOWN...wherever we drive.  From Grace Staples, a former heavy foot.




Elizabeth Kelly recently broke her wrist. She's in her apartment at Twin Towers. The cast comes off soon. 




Phillis Dietz is on the first floor at Twin Towers in rehab.  (Call before attempting to visit.)   




Keep David Mukasa and his family in your prayers as David travels to Uganda for most of October.  David is taking our old copier which he purchased to give to a school in Uganda.   




Grace Church welcomes in-kind donations in support of her mission, and will provide donors with a receipt to use in case the IRS asks a donor for documentation of in-kind charitable gifts. Any Mission Council member who can verify receipt of the gift and who isn't related to the donor can sign the receipt. Once the receipt is signed, give a copy of the receipt and whatever documentation is provided to the Treasurer for filing. Copies of the receipt form are available in the office.  

Thanks ...


...  to the Annual Giving Campaign committee for their hard work. Members of the committee are co-chairs Grace Staples and Mary McLain, Candace Moxley and J. White. They are doing a great job of asking everyone for their support of God's work at Grace.


... to J, Patrick and Bill from Jackie Millay for their help in setting up for the Earth Equinox Gathering.  It was small attendance, yet simply wonderful, fun energies. Earth Equinox is a part of the '5th season' in the Chinese cosmology.  It's a very coordinated ancient energetic system that teaches people to harmonize with the larger cosmic/earth Soul biorhythms for greater flow, joy, health, etc.

If you want to thank anyone in the congregation for something they did week (leading the meditation in the Friday Prayer and Meditation group, going above and beyond on a routine responsibility, donating food or cooking for the Community Dinner, etc.) then please send that thank you to Ken Lyon ([email protected]) or the office ([email protected]), so they can be recognized.
Altar Flowers

You can donate a bouquet of flowers on the altar on any Sunday in honor of or in memory of anyone. The suggested donation is only $35. Just sign on the flower sheet by the door or call the church office or email [email protected] or donate online at gracecollegehill.org.
"Looking Anew at Christianity
A weekend with Bishop John Shelby Spong"
Coming to the Cathedral

If you're seeking to experience Christianity in a new and vibrant way you will find fresh spiritual ideas in this weekend event from a religious leader who has become one of the definitive voices for progressive Christianity. Specifically, Bishop Spong will lecture on the contents of his best-selling book, The Sins of Scripture: Exposing the Bible's Texts of Hate to Discover the God of Love (2005), and his newly released book, The Fourth Gospel: Tales of a Jewish Mystic ( 2013).

Read more on the Cathedral website here: christchurchcincinnati.org/spong

Editor's note: This will be an event well worth attending.  Register soon!
Prayers and Thanksgivings


Prayers for healing are asked for Rev. Ernestein, Patty Rogers, The Rogers Family (Sarah and Joe Rogers - Patty's parents), Carl, Jackie, Robb Martin, Kim Martin, Melissa, Jordan and Brandie, Lee Hardy, Rhonda Sharp, The Partin Family, DL, Maree White, Robert and Kathleen Keefer and Anna Keefer, Virginia Chapel and Family, Our President and Our Country, Anni Gibson, Albertha Howard and DeConte Howard, Johnny, Peter Harten, Phillis Dietz and Laura Hubrich, Peter Hawkins, Judy Handy, Madeena Nolan, Gwynne and Naomi Gabbard, Marla, Mae Armstead, Jan Sharp, James McNabb, Bev Olinger, Kathy Casebolt's family and friends, Paul, Katharine Thayer, Grace Moore, Stella Parker, Jim and Nancy Vath, Darryl Handy, Ray Betts & Mary McLain, Ken Lyon, Cyndi Miller,  


Prayers are asked for members often not able to come to church: Elizabeth Kelly, Janet Henthorn, Mary Jane Showers, Naomi Koester, Elva Gscheidle, Jo Carroll, Anne Henneberg, Phillis Dietz, Raymond Betts.


To add or subtract from this list, please contact the Church Office (513-541-2415, [email protected]) with the names of the persons to be included on this list. If you email, please place "Prayer Request" in the subject line. Please also indicate whether the name of the prayer recipient is to be listed in the bulletin.


Names remain on the list for about a month. Please let us know if people should be put back on the list.


Pastoral Care. If you need pastoral care or know of someone who does, please call or email the office (513-541-2415, [email protected]). Keep us informed about about illness, hospital stays, requests for visits, communion, and prayers for special concerns.
 Coming Attractions

The online Grace Church Calendar lists most everything we know about that's happening at Grace Church. If something's not listed, or if you see errors, please tell the office ([email protected], 513-541-2415).


Grace Church worship services and participants' assignments are shown here

Absalom Jones From the Editor...

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While we try our best to represent the Grace Church congregation, final responsibility for what you see here belongs solely to the editor.

The content of eGraceNotes depends on what what is provided us. Send items to the editor at [email protected].

Photos in eGraceNotes may be edited to remove extraneous material.

Ken Lyon, Editor
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Grace Episcopal Church | Phone: 513-541-2415 | 5501 Hamilton Avenue at Belmont Avenue | Cincinnati (College Hill) | OH | 45224