A Center for Spirituality and Healing.

Saturday, February 14, 2015
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Annual Meeting Coming Sunday

The Annual Meeting of Grace Episcopal Church will be held this Sunday, February 15, after the 10am service, in the Great Hall.  All members and friends are invited to share in a celebration of our past year and to look forward to the coming year.


Lunch will be served--on real china with real flatware! Bring something to share if you wish.

Elections will be held. The nominating committee (J White, Maria Mukasa and Candace Moxley) expects to nominate the people listed after each position below. Nominations from the floor (with the consent of the nominee) are invited. 
  • Senior Warden (1 year term): Carol Lyon
  • Junior Warden (1 year term): David Mukasa
  • Mission Council (up to four 3-year positions open): Jacqueline McCray, Hawley Todd and Candace Moxley. Previously elected people continuing to serve are Ruth Bertram, John Thayer, Laurie LeClaire, Wanda Miller and Roger Perna 
  • Outreach Coordinator (1 year term): J White
  • Parish Life Coordinator (1 year term): Roger Perna
  • Diocesan Convention Delegate (1 to be elected to a 2-year term): Roger Perna. Ken Lyon will continue to serve out his 2-year term).
  • Diocesan Convention Alternate Delegate (2 to be elected): To be nominated from the floor. 

Reports on all aspects of Grace Church programs will be given.

Fun will be had.  
Aiden Maxfield Joins the Acolytes

Aiden Maxfield is an enthusiastic new member of the Acolyte corps.  He joins Mathias Mukasa, Mariah Mukasa, Ken Lyon, Candace Moxley, and another recently-new member, David Mukasa.

Thanks to David Mukasa for the photo.
 Ash Wednesday is Coming, uh, Wednesday
Ash Wednesday--this coming Wednesday, February 12--signals the start of the 40 days of Lent leading to Easter.   
Grace Church will offer Eucharist (Communion) with imposition ashes at 7:30pm.
If that's not convenient, there are a couple of other possibilities we're aware of.
  • St. Stephen's is having their Ash Wednesday service at noon.  They're located at 9191 Daly Road, just north of Compton Road. >
  • Cathedral clergy members will be offering Ashes to Go again this year on Fountain Square during the lunchtime hour for those who cannot attend a service elsewhere, or who wish to have a different experience on Ash Wednesday.
A Visitor's Comments on Wednesday's Dinner and Healing Service
The Rev. Jim Strader, Rector of St. James in Westwood, and Grace Church's liaison with the Diocesan Commission on Congregational Life, visited Grace on Wednesday. He talked with some members while dining at the Community Dinner and attending the healing service that followed.  Here are some of his comments.

I very much enjoyed our conversation as well as participating in the healing and wholeness gathering. Hawley Todd and I had a very meaningful conversation about the ways in which the week night gathering uniquely invites people of all social locations to commune with one another in Grace's Sacred Space. 


I walked out last night and was amazed. I observed, in the couple of hours that I was there, how Grace Episcopal Church is feeding people in need, inviting people to worship and be with one another. There was even a band practicing in your parlor. It was all very inspirational to me. 


As you suggest, your building is indeed your greatest treasure and your greatest burden. Put me down nonetheless as a fan for the missions you are accomplishing. Let's determine how we may best continue to interrogate Grace's operational and spiritual realities, provoke mutual learning, tackle your community's toughest challenges, and enrich relationships on a variety of levels.


Blessings Along The Way, Jim


Thanks to Tina Todd for her photo taken at a recent healing service.

Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori: On Healing and Wholeness


Background:  You may be aware that Maryland Bishop Heather Cook hit and killed cyclist Tom Palermo in a hit-and-run accident while driving with a blood alcohol level nearly three times the legal living and while she was texting and driving.


Episcopal Church Presiding bishop Jefferts Shori's statement (following) gives food for thought to members and friends of Grace Church, whose emphasis for many years has been on healing.  


Healing is the primary work of people of faith and the communities of which they are a part.  Christians, as disciples of One who came to save (rescue, heal, make whole) the world and its inhabitants, seek to heal their relationships with one another and with all that is.


Episcopalians believe this is God's mission and we are its ministers or servants.  We are meant to seek to repair what is breached and broken, to stitch up what is torn, to heal what is sick, to release what is imprisoned and oppressed, to comfort the dying, to encourage the ignored, forlorn, and grieving. Our life finds meaning in responding to the cries around us and within us, as individuals in community. We follow One who was himself vilified, tortured, and finally executed for proclaiming the possibility of reconciled relationships in communities divided by poverty, violence, and religion.


The tragic death of Thomas Palermo challenges us all to attend to the work of healing.  We cannot restore what is past, but we can seek reconciliation and wholeness for all who have been affected--the Palermo family, Heather Cook, the biking community and others in Baltimore, the Diocese of Maryland, bystanders and onlookers who have witnessed any of these traumatic events. 


You can read the rest of her statement here.  

Quotes to Ponder...


"Anger is like a cloak we wrap ourselves in that cuts us off from God. I tell people that being resentful is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die. This is not what God wants for you," says Ona Graham, 62, a parishioner at St. Nicholas Episcopal Church in Hamilton, Georgia. At least 90 percent of Georgia neuropsychologist Ona Graham's counseling work with individuals and families involves assisting those "who feel resentment and carry grudges and ... teaching people how to identify where they're holding onto anger and hatred" and to seek and extend forgiveness. 




"I'm not a fundamentalist; I don't read the Bible like a fundamentalist. I read it as a poetry of God's presence and, in doing so, I read it in the company of the early church. I don't read the Bible as a dead historical site to be excavated for its ideas, but as a living city that invites us to both imagine and live the world that God imagines."  Scott Gunn.
Mark Your Calendar 

The online Grace Church Calendar lists most everything we know about that's happening at Grace Church. If something's not listed, or if you see errors, please tell the office ([email protected], 513-541-2415).


See Grace Church worship services and participants' assignments here.


Ash Wednesday is this coming Wednesday. See article above for more information.


Free Community Dinner every Wednesday from 5pm to 7pm. All are invited to share in food and fellowship.


Celebration of Wholeness and Healing every 2nd Wednesday at 7pm. Always a GREAT mix of healing energies. Reiki, Crystals, Healing Touch, chit chat, friends, a talk by Hawley Todd and drumming led by Bob Laake. Come for healing and/or to share your healing love and joy with the community.

Retreat for Youth at Procter Center 


The diocesan youth department will host a spiritual retreat for youth in the diocese, similar to our Genesis and Exodus retreats in years past.  This retreat will focus on what the youth want, particularly where we feel God calling us.  We will let the youth attending this retreat help mold and shape the spiritual experience they are looking for.  We will have worship opportunities, time for reflection and fellowship, tons of singing, games and fun in a wonderful community.  We are hoping to provide a space for youth to grow closer to God in a safe and fun environment.


The retreat will be held April 10 through 12 for grades 6 through 12.  The cost is $40, and scholarships are available on request.  


Register here.

Altar Flowers


If you would like to donate for altar flowers on any Sunday, please sign the Flower Sheet by the Belmont door or call the church office or email [email protected] or donate online at gracecollegehill.org.

Selected Short Subjects

Please consider spending one hour a week with the Grace Church "Read-Out-Loud" book club, which meets on Tuesday afternoons at 3pm in the church parlor.  We are currently reading Amish Grace by Donald Kraybill.  This book is helping us learn how the Amish deal with forgiveness in the face of life tragedies, and we are able to reflect on how forgiveness can play a role in our daily lives as Christians.  We have plenty of copies of the book, and you will easily pick-up the theme with us as you join in.  Give it a try!  You'll be glad you did!  Really, it's more fun than television!  (BURMA SHAVE!)    Sincerely, Roger Perna (513.290.7309)



The furnace that heats the Small Assembly Room has quit working and will apparently take a while to fix.  Happily the other six furnaces are still working. 



Did you know that if you are using Google Street View to look at Grace Church from the street, you can click on the front door and go right in and get a virtual tour of our beautiful nave?  Try it here, then share this with your friends. It's pretty cool.



Aaron Fleming is offering a free gentle yoga class for those of us who are older and/or are not so flexible on Tuesday, April 14 from 4:30 to 5:45pm.  The new 7-week class will start the following week. Contact Aaron via collegehillyoga.com




We're updating the Grace Church Directory. If you haven't gotten a draft copy in your email, ask for one from the office ([email protected], 513-541-2415). If you've gotten one, check to be sure that you're listed correctly and let the office know any corrections. 



Lost Necklace. Someone who attended a recent event at Grace lost a necklace and she feels it may have been lost here.  She said it is a tree/heart pendant with a chakra stone on it.  If anyone has found this, please turn it into the office and we will make sure she gets it. 



Interviews for a Music Leader Leader for Grace are proceeding. Candidates will be playing for Sunday services during February.  We are seeking a musician who will help build up our Sunday morning congregation by leading us in a variety of inspiring worship music.

Thanks ...


... to Rhonda Sharp for spearheading the update of the Grace Church directory of members and friends.  


If you want to thank anyone in the congregation for something they did week (leading the meditation in the Friday Prayer and Meditation group, going above and beyond on a routine responsibility, donating food or cooking for the Community Dinner, etc.) then please send that thank you to Ken Lyon ([email protected]) or the office ([email protected]), so they can be recognized.
 Prayers and Thanksgivings

Virginia Chapel asks for prayers for daughter Darise and other students at Miami University, who are grieving over the death of a fellow student, who was murdered recently.

Prayers for healing are asked for Rev. Ernestein, Patty Rogers, The Rogers Family, (Sarah and Joe Rogers - Patty's parents), Carl, Jackie, Robb Martin, Kim Martin, Melissa, Jordan and Brandie, Lee Hardy, Rhonda Sharp, The Partin Family, D.L., Maree White, Robert and Kathleen Keefer and Anna Keefer, Virginia Chapel and Family, Our President and Our Country, Anni Gibson, Albertha Howard and DeConte Howard, Johnny, Peter Harten,  Laura Hubrich, Peter Hawkins, Judy Handy, Madeena Nolan, Gwynne and Naomi Gabbard, Marla, Mae Armstead, Jan Sharp, James McNabb Nickname:  Cousin, Bev Olinger, Paul, Katharine Thayer, Grace Moore, Stella Parker, Jim and Nancy Vath, Darryl Handy, Father Hufford, Father Ray Betts and Mary McLain, Ken Lyon, Cyndi Miller, Gene, Wilson, David Malis, Earl Sharp, Jo Carroll, Gail Greenwell, Beth Hall, Geraldine, Stallworth. 

Prayers are asked for members often not able to come to church: Elizabeth Kelly, Janet Henthorn, Naomi Koester, Elva Gscheidle, Jo Carroll, Anne Henneberg, Raymond Betts.


To add or subtract from this list, please contact the Church Office (513-541-2415, [email protected]) with the names of the persons to be included on this list. If you email, please place "Prayer Request" in the subject line. Please also indicate whether the name of the prayer recipient is to be listed in the bulletin.


Names remain on the list for about a month. Please let us know if people should be put back on the list.


Pastoral Care. If you need pastoral care or know of someone who does, please call or email the office (513-541-2415, [email protected]). Keep us informed about about illness, hospital stays, requests for visits, communion, and prayers for special concerns.
Absalom Jones From the Editor...

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eGraceNotes is published weekly whenever possible. Our purpose is to help keep members and friends of Grace Church up-to-date on what's happening at Grace and of other things that may be of particular interest to our readers.

While we try our best to represent the Grace Church congregation, final responsibility for what you see here belongs solely to the editor.

The content of eGraceNotes depends on what what is provided us. Send items to the editor at [email protected].

Photos in eGraceNotes may be edited to remove extraneous material.

Ken Lyon, Editor
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Grace Episcopal Church | Phone: 513-541-2415 | 5501 Hamilton Avenue at Belmont Avenue | Cincinnati (College Hill) | OH | 45224